High speed WiFi is now essential in the home. Whether it’s for gaming, movie streaming, or the home office, a great signal and fast connection are critical.
We utilise enterprise grade hardware to eliminate “dead spots” and get the fastest speeds possible around your home.
Our Wireless Access Points that have the intelligence to hand over seamlessly between each other so you always have the strongest possible signal.
Ensuring a good signal throughout your garden, and outbuildings, give you music/radio whilst BBQ-ing on the terrace, or to help pass the time while mowing the lawn.
A good solid network is the backbone of most home information and entertainment services. Some call it the ‘The 4th Utility” and some might argue that it’s the 1st!
Routers provided by the broadband companies are built to a price point and are often not capable of delivering the best service around your home.
We can maximise your network giving you the best speeds, performance, coverage, and control of what’s happening.
Hard wired solutions are always best, but not practical for situation. We work with enterprise grade WiFi systems to ensure that you get the benefit of convenience too.
We can provide remote access to help with any IT issues you may experience.
We can combine two different broadband lines to give you a super fast speed.
We can combine, or just have as a back-up, a network through a 4G Mobile Phone network as well.
With the network becoming so important, so is it’s, and your, protection.
We can provide a commercial grade advanced protection system which prevents malware, ransomware, and many other cyber security breaches. You can also block, or allow, access to adult and other websites. The system we supply didn’t have a single breach in it’s million+ installations when the WannaCry ransomware crippled many hospitals and councils.
Allow visiting friends and family a dedicated internet access network while securely ringfencing more sensitive network-based assets like storage devices, security systems and heating and lighting systems.
WatchGuard offers the most comprehensive portfolio of security services in the industry, from traditional intrusion prevention, gateway antivirus, application control, spam prevention, and URL filtering, to more advanced services for protecting against evolving malware, ransomware, and data breaches.